Special Services
St. John's is a parish that believes that baptisms, weddings, and funerals all have one shared purpose: to celebrate the life God has given us! St. John's clergy take these services very seriously because they know how important they are to you and your loved ones. We hope you'll consider St. John's for your special day. There is some basic information below, but you are always welcome to call with further questions (or even better - stop by for a visit!).
Baptisms, First Communions, and Confirmations

St. John's supports equal marriage.
We make every effort to ensure that your wedding and the planning of it are handled with care and attention to detail. The wedding date needs to be set in consultation with the parish priest. Marriage services are not conducted during Holy Week (the week between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday) or other solemn days of the church calendar.
It is recommended that the couple attend a marriage preparation course. These are held in various places around the area. The priest will give you more information on available courses.
We can be very versatile in the Anglican Church and there are different forms of services that can be used at the celebration of a marriage. The priest will go over details with you and talk about how you might include family members in meaningful roles within the service.
At St. John’s we offer the option of a unity candle. It consists of three special candles: one candle for each family of origin and the third candle representing the new family created in the union of marriage. The candles create a visual sign marking the significance of the moment.
Music must be arranged in consultation with the Priest and Director of Music. In all cases the Priest reserves the right of final consent for all music performed at the ceremony.
To inquire about any of our services please contact our Parish Administrator at 905-354-1227.
At St. John’s, we are about as versatile with our funeral services as we are with our weddings. We understand the ceremony to be a celebration of life that should honour the individual in a way that reflects who they were and what was important to them in life.
Whether the family chooses a traditional service or a more contemporary one, the priest will work with them to put together a service that is meaningful and respectful of their wishes.
Many families choose to have the reception catered in our Parish Hall following the service.
We understand how difficult it can be to plan the funeral of a loved one, and will do everything we can to support you and walk with you during this trying time.
To inquire about any of these services please contact our Parish Administrator at 905-354-1227.
Held during the 11:00 a.m. Sunday service at various times during the year. Baptism is available for infant, child, and adult candidates. Please contact the priest to set up an appointment to discuss baptism.
First Communion
Children of all ages are able to receive communion at St. John’s. Families requesting First Communion for their young people are required to complete a preparation booklet and meet with the rector. First Communions are celebrated each September during the 11:00 a.m. service.
Six preparation classes, including a field trip, are held on a monthly basis prior to confirmation. Confirmation is performed by the Bishop of Niagara at Christ Church Cathedral in Hamilton, ON.
To inquire about any of these services please contact our Parish Administrator at 905-354-1227.