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Thank you for visiting the online home of St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church in Stamford, Niagara Falls! Please explore the drop-down menus above to learn more about St. John's, and to consider why you might like to make St. John's your spiritual home! 


Sunday Mornings       

8:00 a.m. Classic Service 


11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service



​A copy of the current 11 am worship booklet

can be found here:

St. John's clergy are here to walk with you during life's most sacred moments.

Your inquiries about the special services we offer are welcomed.

Weekly E-News

Feb. 9, 2025
E-News - 5th Sunday After Epiphany

St. John's worship space has a children's table with activities.  Childcare is available for children ages five and under in the nursery or parish hall during the 11:00 a.m. service.

Sunday service livestreamed at 11:00 a.m.  You are invited to view the live broadcast or find the link later on St. John's Facebook page.  

Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream

music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-716274. All rights reserved.


Wednesday Evening

7 p.m. Mid-Week Eucharist


Masks are optional.  Please clean your hands, and practice physical distancing as applicable.  Thank you for your cooperation in keeping everyone safe.

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See the recent E-News, events page or click on an event title for more information

Welcome to the Reverend Canon Phil Bristow
Interim Priest in Charge - February 1st

Annual Vestry Meeting - February 16th

Ash Wednesday - March 5th 

First Sunday in Lent - March 9th

Palm Sunday - April 13th

Please feel free to check out the website and be a part of the worship.

Check out what St. John's does 
in and for the community,
and how St. John's supports each other and the wider world.



We acknowledge that we gather on

the traditional territories of several Indigenous peoples, including the

Neutrals, the Mississauga and the Haudenosaunee, and acknowledge their stewardship of this land

throughout the ages. 

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 by St. John the Evangelist (Stamford). All rights reserved.

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